Who looks after the body?

It's so easy to look at someone from the outside, especially when they may appear to be doing a beautiful asana and long for a body that does that!  It looks so open and free right?  That person must feel amazing and have no pain or discomfort we may even tell ourselves.  The truth is our human experience is so unique and what may 'look' a certain way ,may feel vastly different for the person that inhabits that body, hence why it is useless in yoga to compare ourselves with others.  We all have different joint structures, range of motion, tissues and holding patterns, these can be hereditary, bio- mechanical or lifestyle induced. 

To me as a yoga teacher what makes a yoga practice beautiful or inspiring isn't how deep into a posture someone can get or how advanced the asana is, instead it is the presence of how precise and mindful each action is, how clear and focused the mind is and how this allows the spirit, the light within to radiate..... that is what makes a practice beautiful and awe inspiring.   It is that which motivates me to practice and keep exploring my whole self throughout he practice of yoga.  My practice has helped heal me from injuries and develop more strength than I knew possible, but I too need direction from other like minded practitioners that help me to see, feel and reveal more about myself so I can travel deeper in understanding to heal myself and guide others in their own exploration.

Finding the 'right' people to help you on your journey to wholeness and better health is a godsend and listening to my body's needs, I also now know who I need to see and when.  So I've decided to share with you my amazing body workers that keep me healthy, happy and sane! 

 After hours of handstand practice and nudging my boundaries I sometimes need physical realigning, so I only trust the expert hands of Nigel Peek who is conveniently located across the road in Brown St, for adjustments and acupuncture dry needling.  Nigel's skill combined with great wit and humour keeps me in check and on top of my game!

I made a commitment to myself to improve my level of self care at the beginning of this year, as it is way too easy to spend all my time looking after everyone else and forgetting myself (hello, common mothers problem!) I soon found the delightful and talented Cheri Inoue at Health 101, the way Cheri understands the human body is on the same wave as me, I value her insight and wisdom as much as I value her unravelling my fascial tightness and helping mer release deep stored tensions.

When I feel like I need my nervous system to be brought into balance I take a blissful journey out to Greenhithe to see Dianne Saville.  Dianne is a Biodynamic craniosacral therapist, a very gentle treatment that works on the central nervous system, spine and brain and the fluid that bathes them. On an emotional layer it helps me to shift deep primary patterns and opens my doors of self perception and understanding.  I am going to bring Dianne in to Urban Ashram to take a day of bookings for the city dwellers... coming soon! 


So I've actually seen all three of these amazing practitioners this week, needless to say I'm feeling full, happy and balanced. Thank you to each of you for looking after me mind, body and soul.

Protein power grawnola

This is a great start to the day! I pre make my Grawnola so it's super quick to assemble, which for a busy Mum is essential.

2 Cups of:
Chopped almonds, cashews and walnuts
Coconut flakes
Goji berries
Dried cranberries
Pumpkin seeds
Melt 1/4c coconut oil
2T loving earth raw cacao
1T macca powder

Lay the nut mixture out in a baking tray then pour over oil mix, pop in the oven at 125 and cook til toasted approx 40min. Store in an air tight container.

In the morning mix:
1/4 c coconut milk
1 scoop of Clean Lean Protein (vanilla)
Layer up, grawnola, berries and coconut protein milk for a super yummy crunchy start to the day, pop on your super hero suit and head out into the world!